M.F.A. in painting, EWHA Woman's University, Korea
B.F.A. in painting, EWHA Woman's University. Korea
Solo Exhibition
2012 Everyday Life, Gallery Dos, Seoul, Korea
2007 Match, Gallery Art factory, Gyeonggi, Korea
2006 Write, Gallery Jinsun Window Exibition, Seoul, Korea
1999 Window, Gallery Kumsan, Seoul, Korea
1997 Trace, Gallery Moin, Seoul, Korea,
Group Exhibition
2011 Discovery Juried Exhibition "Reinvent" Seymour Art Gallery, Canada
2010 Recompose, Deer Lake Gallery, Burnaby, Canada
2008 Reformation, Gallery Kwanhun, Seoul, Korea
2006 5th News Commentary, Team-preview, Seoul, Korea
2006 Samchungdong Art Festival-Young Artist Serching Exhibition, Gallery Jinsun, Seoul, Korea
2005 NewYork-Korea Art Festival, Korea Art-Center. 24Gallery, New york
2005 Korean&China ShenYang Art Fair, Shenyang, Liaoning, P.R.C
2004 A Midsummer Night's Dream, Gallery Indeco, Seoul, Korea
2002~7 Chailim Exhibition, Gallery Kwanhun, Seoul, Korea
1998 New Ewha Exhibition, Gallery Kwanhun, Seoul, Korea
1998 Plus-Print Exhibition, Gallery Insa, Seoul, Korea
1997 Hangaram Art Festival, Gallery Sun, Seoul, Korea
1995 An Exibition"Prospect and Tendency of Mordern Art Confronting 2000",Gallery Do-ol, Seoul, Korea
1994 Don-a Juried Exhibition, National Mordern Art Hall, Seoul, Korea
1994~5 Al Exibition, Gallery Samchong/ Kwanhun, Seoul, Korea
1994 Plus-Print Exibition, Gallery Do-ol, Seoul, Korea
1994 Exibition For the Future of Korean Representational Painting,Gallery Insa, Seoul, Korea
1993 Jungang Juried Exhibition, Ho-am Art Hall, Seoul, Korea
1993 Pakje Juried Exhibition, Sejong Cultural Center, Seoul, Korea
1993 New Ewha Exhibition, Art Hall, Seoul, Korea
1993 Situation-Image Serching Exhibition'93, Gallery Tur, Seoul, Korea
1993 Self-portrait Exhibition, Gallery Pine Tree, Seoul, Korea
1992 New Frontier Juried Exhibition, Design Center, Seoul, Korea