Gallery DOS opened in 2005 and since then has been introducing emerging artists from various practices. The gallery endeavors to become an establishment where a wide array of artistic disciplines can be represented. In October of 2011, Gallery DOS has moved and re-opened in Palpan-dong to give the viewers an upgraded experience. We support mid-career artists as well as look for younger artists to give our audience a spectrum of inspirational exhibitions. At the same time, Gallery DOS is participating in art fairs both in and outside Korea in order to introduce Korean Contemporary art to the international art world. We kindly appreciate your interest. We are a blend of a traditional gallery and a design consultancy that hand-selects the strongest pieces of artwork by emerging and established korean artists. Our flexible relationships with our artist partners allow us to offer an expansive inventory of artwork and to act as an advocate for the collector. |
Gallery DOS는 DOing Space의 단어를 함축한 뜻으로' 누구에게나 열린 공간', ' 보다 많은 것을 표현하는 소통의 장소' 로 거듭나고자 하는 의지를 나타냅니다. 갤러리도스는 관훈동에서 2005년 설립된 이래로 매체와 장르의 구분없이 다양한 전시를 선보여왔습니다. 2011년 더 좋은 전시환경을 위해 삼청동으로 이전하였으며 현재 지하1층(60평), 2층(16평), 총 2개의 전시장을 운영하고 있습니다. 이를 바탕으로 대내적으로는 작가의 조형세계를 펼칠 수 있는 소통의 장으로서, 대외적으로는 한국의 미술세계를 세계로 알리는 통로로서의 역할을 수행하고자 합니다.
GalleryDOS is currently reviewing emerging and mid-career artists seeking representation. We ask that any artists looking to submit their work first review the artists currently represented to best understand the mission of the gallery. Due to the large volume of artist submissions, strict guidelines exist for gallery review:
Portfolios should contain a minimum of ten images of recent work accompanied by titles, dimensions, medium and price. Also, please include a biography listing previous/current exhibitions and representation, significant sales (and prices), and education. Portfolios will be accepted through digital review, they cannot be hand-delivered. Additionally, artist’s websites and/or online portfolios cannot replace actual submissions, though if you have a site, the address may be included in your submission.Portfolios can be sent to: info@gallerydos.com
Review typically requires a few weeks turnaround period, during which the gallery will contact the artist with any questions. |
갤러리도스에서는 예술가로써의 역랑을 발휘하고자 하는 작가님의 지원을 기다리고 있습니다. 정기공모는 1년에 상반기, 하반기 두 차례 진행하며 비정기적으로 수시공모도 진행합니다. 개인약력과 작업이미지 10장 이상 첨부된 자유형식의 포트폴리오를 보내주시면 심사 후 연락드리도록 하겠습니다. |
contact |
서울시 종로구 삼청로 7길 37
37, Samcheongro-7gil,
Jongno-gu, Seoul
View map here
Tel. 02) 737 4678
전시장 운영시간
info@gallerydos.com |
FLOOR PLAN 전시장 도면 |
대관전신청서 |
기획전신청서 |